





Statute of Association

1.1 International non-governmental organization «Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe» (hereinafter Association) is an international non-governmental organization, acting under the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", other laws of Ukraine, laws of those countries where activities of the Association and this Statute are implemented.
1.2 Association is a non-profit organization that conducts its activities on the principles of voluntariness, legitimacy, governance, transparency, equality of members.
1.3 Association acquires rights of legal entity since its registration in the established order, has bank accounts, a round seal with its name, stamps, letterhead, logo, symbols, and other details, which are approved by Association Board.
1.4 Association symbols shall be registered in the procedure established by law.
1.5 Association is not responsible for the obligations of the state, as well as the state is not responsible for the obligations of Association. Association is not responsible for the obligations of its founders, members as well as founders; members are not responsible for the obligations of Association.
1.6 Association performs its activities in Ukraine, Russia and other countries, where branches or representative offices of Association will be opened.
1.7 Local branches of Association, established in Ukraine, perform their activities under their provisions adopted by their assemblies and approved by Association Board. To become a legal entity local branches are registered in accordance with legislation; without gaining legal entity status branches should legalize their activities by giving written notice of their establishment.
1.8 Branches divisions and representative offices of Association, created outside of Ukraine, act in accordance with legislation of the state where they will act.
1.9 Full name of Association: International non-governmental organization «Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe»
1.10 Registered address of Association: 01601 Kyiv, 9 Pyrogova str.
2.1 The main purpose of Association is to meet and protect social, economic, cultural and other common interests of its members, promote the development of pedagogical education that would meet international standards and guarantees transformation of pedagogical universities into leading educational and scientific, cultural and educational centers of Ukraine and Europe.
2.2 The main objectives of Association are:
  • promoting the importance of pedagogical education in modern socio-economic and cultural development of nations;
  • preparing proposals to improve regulatory framework of higher vocational pedagogical education and improving quality of teacher training;
  • promoting the establishment and development of international relations of higher  Education in Europe;
  • to analyze and summarize international experience of higher vocational pedagogical education;
  • preparing proposals to improve social support and protection of students, teachers and other categories of pedagogical higher educational institutions' staff;
  • promoting of scientific and practical conferences, meetings, seminars, contests, educational readings and other activities to improve higher pedagogical education and development of scientific and pedagogical creativity of students and teachers;
  • distribution of domestic advanced pedagogical experience;
  • promoting the involvement of financial and material resources of government agencies, NGOs, academies, state enterprises and private companies for the development of a training system of teaching staff.
2.3 To fulfill the goals and objectives Association in a legal way:
  • participates in civil law relations, acquire property and moral rights;
  • represents and protects legal interests and the interests of its members in state and public bodies;
  • ideologically, organizationally and financially supports other associations, assisting in their creation;
  • receives from public authorities and bodies and local authorities information necessary for realization of its goals and objectives;
  • make proposals to government and administration of its activities;
  • carries out necessary economic activity by creating a self-financing institutions and organizations and by founding enterprises;
  • creates in accordance with legislation its local branches in Ukraine and abroad;
  • cooperates with domestic and foreign companies, institutions, organizations, non-governmental organizations;
  • exchanges information and experts from relevant organizations of foreign countries;
  • joins into unions, associations and other groups that are created on a voluntary basis and promote the implementation of statutory objectives;
  • establishes media;
  • participates in international and social activities aimed at implementing the statutory objectives of Association;
  • is involved in the organization of conferences, meetings, "round tables";
  • spreads information and promotes its ideas and goals.
3.1. Membership is voluntary and can be individual or collective.
3.2. Individual Association members may be citizens of Ukraine, people of other states, stateless persons who are 18 years old and support goals and objectives of Association.
3.3. Collective Association members may be public organizations, labor collectives of enterprises, institutions or organizations that support goals and tasks of Association and participate in Association activities.
3.4. Membership in Association is carried out by Association Board upon an individual member's application, collective member's application and decisions of the team.
3.5. Association member may:
  • participate in all activities that Association holds;
  • make offers to all organs of Association;
  • elect and be elected to the governing bodies of Association;
  • address with questions, applications and suggestions to any governing body of Association;
  • freely withdraw from Association.
3.6. Association member shall:
  • take an active part in the implementation of Association's goals and objectives, in enforcing decisions adopted by its governing bodies;
  • pay membership fees, the amount and payment terms of which are established by Association Board;
  • comply the Association Statute.
3.7. Member may withdraw from Association at will by notifying the Board. Members who do not follow Statute provisions, do not perform their obligations, do not pay membership fees without valid reasons and actually departure from the Association activities are excluded from membership by Association Board with compulsory invitation of an Association member.
4.1. The highest governing body of Association is General Meeting, convened by Association Board when necessary, but not less than once a year.
4.2 General Meeting:
  • approve Association Statute, make changes and additions to it;
  • elect Association President, his deputies, Board members and Audit Committee' Chairman and members  for a period of 5 years;
  • hear reports of Association President;
  • approve Association budget;
  • take decisions on liquidation or reorganization of Association.
4.3 The General Meeting is valid if attended by more than half the Association members or their representatives. The decision at the meeting is adopted by a simple majority of Association members’ votes (or their representatives). Decisions on amendments to the Statute and Association termination are accepted according to chapters 7.8 of this Statute.
4.4. In the period between Association General Meeting sessions the Board manages activity of Association, which includes the Association President, his deputies, Board members and the Secretary. Board holds its meetings quarterly. Board meeting is valid if is attended by more than half of Board members. Decisions are taken by simple vote majority of Board members.
4.5. Board:
  • makes decisions on General Meeting convening;
  • ensures compliance with decisions of General Meeting;
  • approves symbols, seal samples, stamps and other attributes;
  • decides on members' entry and exit to/from Association;
  • makes decisions on establishment self-financing organizations, with legal status, setting up local branches, opening offices, approval of their statutes (regulations);
  • determines wage form and size of staff, creates staffing;
  • determines  the size and terms of membership fees payment;
  • submit proposals to General Meeting;
  • provides commercial property management and funds of Association;
  • approves reports on the execution of plan and budget for the current period;
  • approve plans and spending for the next period;
  • carries out other activities on behalf of General Meeting.
4.6. President of Association:
  • manages the Association activities in relations with government, communities and other organizations as well as private individuals, both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • acts on behalf of Association without authorization;
  • signs contracts, issue orders, has the right of first signature in financial and other Association's documents;
  • opens and closes bank accounts;
  • convenes Association Board meetings and presides at them;
  • performs other functions.
4.7 In the absence of President or, if necessary, his deputy fulfills the duties of the President.
4.8 Audit Commission of Association is elected by General Meeting from among the Association members.
4.9 Audit Commission:
  • audits financial and economic activities of Association, its executive staff;
  • organizes inspection of financial and economic activities of Association not less than once a year;
  • if necessary attracts specialized organizations to inspections  by appropriate civil contracts.
4.10 Audit Commission may require from Association officials all necessary accounting, financial and other documents, as well as personal explanations on the Association activities, including written ones.
4.11 Audit Commission Members may participate in Association Board meetings with an advisory vote.
4.12 Association Audit Commission is going to meet as necessary, but at least once a year. The meeting is valid if is attended by more than half of Audit Commission Members. Decisions are taken by simple vote majority of those present at the meeting.
5.1 Association may have in the property facilities, buildings, housing, land, vehicles, equipment, inventory, cash assets, securities and other property necessary for Association Statute material support.
5.2 Association acquires ownership of the funds and other property transferred to it in the established order by members or by the state, received through membership fees and donated by individuals, enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as property acquired at its own expense or on other grounds not prohibited by current legislation of Ukraine.
5.3 Sources of Association property are:
  • voluntary donations,  charitable and sponsorship revenues from individuals and legal entities;
  • entrance and membership fees;
  • revenues from created by Association self-financing institutions, organizations, enterprises established.
5.4 Association funds and other property are used to meet statutory obligations and for staff payment.
5.5 Labor legislation and social protection extends on Association staff. To fulfill certain statutory tasks Association has the right to include experts who work on a contract, and organizations on a contractual basis.
5.6  Association and created by it enterprises and organizations conduct accounting, get registered in the state tax administration and make payments to the budget in order and amount prescribed by law.
6.1. Association may cooperate with non-governmental organizations in other countries to join international public (non-governmental) organizations to form international unions of citizens, to maintain direct international connections and contacts to conclude relevant agreements and take part in activities that do not contradict the international obligations of Ukraine.
7.1. Changes and amendments to Association Statute are accepted by General Meeting, if they are voted by at least 2/3 of those present at the meeting.
7.2. Association reports in a 5-day period the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine about changes that occurred in statutory documents.
8.1. Termination of Association is carried through reorganization or liquidation.
8.2. Association reorganization is conducted by General Meeting decision.
8.3. Association liquidation is made by a decision the court or General Meeting.
8.4. The decision on the Association termination is accepted by General Meeting by a 2/3 vote of those present.
8.5. In case of the decision to liquidate the Association Liquidation Commission is created.
8.6. Association funds and property in case of its liquidation can not be redistributed among its members and after settlement with creditors are transferred to another nonprofit organization of that type or scored to the budget income.
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