





Association Board Session

24-27 October 2012 a session of Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe' Board was held  in Prague (Czech Republic) 


The event was attended by rectors of 16 universities from 10 European countries. During the session there was discussion on the draft Pedagogical Constitution of Europe and future cooperation prospects between pedagogical universities in European Educational Area. Also a new journal "European teaching studio", founded by the Association,  was presented.

"Pedagogical Constitution of Europe" is the document which legitimizes the basis of teachers' affair, it was developed by the professors Victor Andrushchenko (Ukraine) – Moritz Hunzinger (Germany) – Algirdas Gaizhutis (Lithuania). Pedagogical European Constitution is a document that defines the principles and methodology of philosophy and policy of preparation process of modern teacher for a united Europe in XXI century.

The "Pedagogical Constitution of Europe" was approved by participants, including BORDOVSKY Gennady, President of Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. Herzen , RYABOV Viktor, President of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Vice-president of the Association (Russia),GAIZHUTIS Algirdas, Rector of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania), KUHARCHIK Piotr, Rector of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Belarus), LASHCHYK Jan, Rector of Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw (Poland) and other rectors of universities.


In Scientific and pedagogical journal "European teaching studio"  scientific exploration of scientists and educators from Europe  as well as other continents of the world are published.. It contains information on scientific and educational forums, significant events, which take place in the system of education around the world.

The University delegation visited the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic, where the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Czech Republic Hrytsak I. thanked the rector, academician V. Andrushchenko for an initiative of this important international event, which, he said, promotes the image of Ukraine in Europe.
Representatives of the National chorus named after G. Viriovka led by national artist of Ukraine Z. Korinets presented a small concert program for participants.


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