





Presentation of Pedagogical Constitution of Europe

 11 March, 2013 in the Column Hall named after Lysenko
of National Philharmonic of Ukraine the draft Pedagogic Constitution of Europe was presented by the Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities in Europe and the National Pedagogic Dragomanov University.

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Representatives of eleven embassies took part in the event, including Ambassador of the Netherlands in Ukraine HE Mr. Jan Peter Walters, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to Ukraine HE Mr. Cornel Ionescu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine HE Mr. Ion Stevile, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Serbia to Ukraine HE Mr. Dusan Lazic, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine Marius Yanukonis, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Ukraine Oleksiy Zhukovets, Senior Counsellor of the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine Gela Dumbadze, Advisor to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Irena Tsareva, a representative of the British Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ukraine Natalia Vasilyuk, Counsellor, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Natalia Hurchynska and Counselor of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine Alexander Tshumi. 

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Adoption of the document is planned for May this year during the second ARPUE Forum in Frankfurt am Main after its revision and submitting proposals of all Association members, scientists and teachers.

President of the Association, acad. Viktor Andrushchenko, noted core values on which bridges in the future are based - peacefulness and human rights, democracy and cooperation, environmental safety and solidarity.
He told that the idea of such scale originated long ago to implement resolutions of the Forum of Education Ministers of the European countries (that was held in Kyiv on September 23, 2011). It was created to fulfill targets set out in the report of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Dmytro Tabachnyk "School of XXI century: "Kyiv Initiative". The project itself aims to unite pedagogical universities in developing of a common educational strategy, taking into account different European national cultures and people’s characters, as well as to bring up a new teacher for a united Europe.

Not accidentally, the Constitution authors are Viktor Andrushchenko (Ukraine), Moritz Hunzinger (Germany) and Algirdas Gaizhutis (Lithuania). "This document sets out the principles of agreed cross-universities policy, regulates educational activities and determines the general framework of teacher training" – said Mr. Andrushchenko.

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Pedagogical European Constitution is only a part of the major project that Association is preparing. In general, it involves the following steps: development of joint Masters programs "New teacher of XXI century", publication of standardized textbooks that would have removed the contradictions in the interpretation of controversial issues of European history and present, and creating of Continental European Pedagogical University (on the territory of one of the Association member’s countries), which will become an independent institution of a new generation. "We hope that future graduates of the University will become moderators of continental European values, understanding and cooperation," – said the President.

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The concert of the National Academic Ukrainian Folk Chorus named after G.Veryovka was a harmonious conclusion of the presentation. The chorus performed folk songs of ARPUE countries, including Georgian, Czech, Spanish, Belarusian, Russian, Moldovan and Lithuanian melodies. Transparent and close to everyone music created a special atmosphere in the hall giving a new charm of high spirituality and peacefulness to the project.

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